Wow, it's over a month now since I posted my last entry. Lots of thing happened during this period of time. I received my student card (学生証明書 Gakusei Shomeisho), commuting certificate (通学定期乗車券発行控 Tsugaku teiki joshaken hakko hikae) and I bought a 1month Commuting pass (定期券 Teikiken). The pass is very convenient, cheap and it costs me 4580yen (including 500yen deposit for the PASMO card).
With the pass, I don't have to worry anymore about the ridiculously expensive ticket price.. Hehe..
During this 1 month plus, I've attended a few parties organised by Rikkyo's Centre for International Studies, Rikkyo's Ladies Club, International Friendly Lunch (IFL) and JoinUs. Both IFL and JoinUs is managed by Rikkyo's student. It provides good chance to interact with both Japanese students and International students. In Japan, the clubs available in university is called サークル (Sakuru), derived from the word 'Circle', I think.. So, for now, I'm officially the member of IFL, JoinUs and another サークル in Niiza campus called Lingua Franca. Here's some pics of the events/parties I've attended:
The first party I attended, organised by IFL,
Second party organised by IFL,
JoinUs Coffee Hour (Filled with games and snacks!),
Welcome party for new students (新入歓迎会 Shinnyu Kangeikai) organized by Rikkyo's Centre for International Studies,
The last JoinUs Coffee Hour I attended. I can't attend any more because they changed the time to Wednesday (I got lecture during that time),
I think everything went well during this 1 month plus and I'm looking forward to post some new entries later. There's a lot of things to post! Hehe.. Ok, bye for now.. ^^
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